Contoh Explanation Text (Example of Explanation Text)

Example of Explanation Text
                A Flood
        Sometimes a river receives a lot of extra water. When this happens, the water overflows from its normal path in the riverbed possibly onto dry land. This is called a flood.
     A flood that rises rapidly, with litle or no advance warning, is called a flash flood. Flash flood usually result from intense rainfall over a relatively small area, or if the area was already saturated from previous precipitation.
         Flooding is usually caused by a volume of water within a body of water, such as a lake, overflowing. The result is that sime of the water travels to land, and 'floods' the area. Floods can also occur in river, when the strength of the river is so high it flows out of the river channel, particularly at bends of meanders and causes damage to homes and businesses alongside the river. Indonesia has seen many causes of floods.
        One of them is the 2013/Jakarta floods that submerged two of the busiest streets in the business central district, halted transportation service and caused damage to many houses and buildings.

@ General Statement (What the writer is going to talk about)
      Sometimes a river receives a lot of extra water. When this happens, the water overflows from its normal path in the riverbed possibly onto dry land. This is called a flood.

@ Explanation (In this part, the writer explains how a phenomenom occurs)
        Flooding is usually caused by a volume of water within a body of water, such as a lake, overflowing. The result is that sime of the water travels to land, and 'floods' the area. Floods can also occur in river, when the strength of the river is so high it flows out of the river channel, particularly at bends of meanders and causes damage to homes and businesses alongside the river.

Closing Statement (Application or example of the phenomenom)     
           Indonesia has seen many causes of floods. One of them is the 2013/Jakarta floods that submerged two of the busiest streets in the business central district, halted transportation service and caused damage to many houses and buildings.

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